We don't do this for money! In fact, even though we are largely volunteer driven, we run at a loss.    

We do this because we want to be a blessing to our community by coming alongside caregivers who simply need a break.

Buddy club is entirely funded by people like you!  

To give a tax deductible gift, simply use the form below and select "Special Needs Ministry" from the "Fund" dropdown menu.

One way we try to be good stewards of the gifts we are given is by partnering with CRNAZ church who include us under their umbrella allowing us to avoid extra administrative costs, meaning your gift goes further!

Any gift you give will be marked as designated funds to be used by us!


Want to give by check? 
No problem!


Make it payable to "Crossroads Nazarene Church" making sure to write "Buddy Club" in the description

2950 W Ray Rd, Chandler, AZ, 85224